Friday, 8 May 2015

Final Reflections (Week 6 - 8)

Assessment #1 Part B 

Wow what an interesting few weeks  I have had on my digital technology journey. I have learnt many new concepts and partaken in endless digital challenges that allowed me to engage with many different digital concepts and experiences. I have felt myself grow and learn so many new concepts and strategies for teaching the digital technologies curriculum strand.  I have found myself very engaged with these topics and now feel that I have some idea for teaching these elements. I have also increased my understandings for why it is so important to teach this curriculum. Teaching digital technologies is designed to help students understand the ever changing technological world that they live in ( ACARA, 2015). I feel that this is both important and relevant to my students future. I feel that digital technologies supports this because from my engagement and learning in the field  I definitely feel like I understand more about the technological world  I live in.  Please browse through the following four posts to get a better understanding and feel for my digital journey.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (Ed 7.3), (2015). //Australia Curriculum,// Canberra, ACT: Author, retrieved from www.

Week 8 ( Algorithmic Programming) 

This week we continued looking into the fields of programming and coding with emphasis on algorithmic programming. I once again had very little experience with algorithmic programming, but felt confident on learning about it. From my first understandings Algorithmic programming is very much like a specific formula or recipe for achieving a solution or solving a problem. 

Algorithmic programming means that each step has to be completed before the next step is done. One of the digital challenges was to write algorithmic steps for making Vegemite on toast. I completed this challenge and found it a very appropriate way of explaining to students how algorithmic programming works. Teachers could use this example in many different ways when trying to explain algorithmic programming; such as how do we bake a cake or how do you make a sandwich. 

To continue engaging with coding and programming, I experimented with the games Frozen and Angry Birds Maze. I found both these games highly engaging, I really liked how they had targeted children's current likes and interests to create the basis for these games. I believe by doing this it helps to get students engaged in their learning. I found both games easy to use. 

I found engaging with these programs gave myself a better understanding of HTML. I learnt that HTML is the language that computers use. When using the Angry Birds Maze program, I discovered that if you clicked on the code button it would change the English written commands in to proper computer codes. 

 Engaging with these programs allowed me to understand that their is a very real and important language behind all technology. This is important for students to understand, because to think of new and innovative ways to use technology they must first understand how it works.

According to Younie, Leask and Burden ( 2015) for students to fully engage in technology studies and create innovative new means they must first learn the basics through the event of creating something meaningful. I felt that both these programs supported these ideas as they allowed children to complete tasks that had a purpose such as getting the angry bird through the maze.

These programs also allowed student's to try out codes to see if they worked. If they didn't succeed the program supported them in trying out a different code. This supports the ideas once again of the aims and rationales of the Australian Curriculum which states students need to critique, analysis and evaluate problems to create solutions (ACARA, 2015). These programs support this ideas by allowing children to go back, assess whats wrong and change it.

Once again its been a very enjoyable week of digital learning, where I find myself really enjoying engaging with the topic and learning more skills to take with me to the classroom.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (Ed 7.3), (2015). //Australia Curriculum,// Canberra, ACT: Author, retrieved from www.

Younie, S., Leask, M. & Burden, K.(Ed.) (2015) Teaching and learning with ICT in the primary school. New York, USA : Routledge Press

Monday, 4 May 2015

Week 7 (Computational Thinking) 

So this week I decided to face this topic with confidence instead of dread. My combined successes from last week with Binary Code and this week with my great mark for the part A assignment; lead me to feeling like I might actually know what I'm doing when it comes to the technologies curriculum. This week we tackled computational thinking and some basic primary level programming. I once again have had very little experience with this element of technology, however my general understanding was that computational thinking was thinking in a way that was similar to a computer. I was kind of on the right track; computational thinking is actually formulating solutions to problems that could be also processed in a similar way by a computer.

 I have to admit that once again some of the information on moodle confused me. I came across the reading called '15 ways to teach students coding' I found this reading helpful as it provided direct examples of how to teach coding to students. It was broken down into age brackets which was helpful to see how you can expand on these activities as the students get older and more competent with computers. I also liked that there was a section for Kindergarten students. As some one who already works with this age group it was great to see ideas that I could be already implementing for practice. Another reason I found this reading helpful was that it included ideas for 'unplugged' learning of programming skills. This was very eye opening as it showed first hand how coding can be taught without always accessing a computer. 
To begin my engagement with coding and programming, I first tried out the code monster website. 
This was quiet good at explaining how codes affect outcomes and how changing the code changes the product. At times I found it a little boring and repetitive however this repetition may be helpful for some students to process the information on coding. 

Next I went and tried the Khan Academy's 'Hour of Code'. I really engaged well with this site, I felt that it explained elements of code well and I also found the program easy to step through with its tutorial and then activities set up. I really started to process the method of coding using this website. I would definitely consider using this in my classroom. Students could complete the challenges step by step saving their progress for next time. This program could be used individually by students or in small groups to encouraged scaffold-ed learning.  

Lastly I tried out the cargo bot app for I-pads. I found this app very engaging, it explained programming well and how I had to create programs to complete the levels. I felt this app had a very game like set up and I think this would really appeal to students. On of the aims of the technologies curriculum is for students to engage confidently with technologies and to learn to manipulate technologies to design and create solutions (ACARA, 2015). I believe using Cargo bot with students could help to support and achieve this aim. I would consider showing the children the app and what they had to do, then getting them to write some programming for homework (unplugged) to achieve the task. The next day I would allow students to test their programs and see if they can achieve the tasks on cargo bot. Students who achieve success can move onto the next challenge whilst other children re-asses their program and make improvements to achieve success. 

I have felt this week that I once again have been able to get my head around the course content. I have really enjoyed using the different coding and programming sites. I have actually continued to use cargo bot and the Khan academy programs to continue my own personal learning. I can also once again see the value in teaching coding and programming to produce efficient 21st century learners and citizens.


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Week 6 ( Info pics) 

Students these days are working towards learning, living and working in  an unknown future. The world of technology moves fast and new inventions or processes are created every day. For students to be active citizens in this untapped future they must be able to comprehend, interpret and evaluate endless information. Info pics are a great way of providing concise and important information to students. This can be done digitally to save time. Info-pics are also helpful as they provide a visual way to learn, becoming visually literate helps students to understand the most important information in an info over loaded world. I definitely associate as a visual learn and I find that if information is presented in a visual way I am able to process and understand it much faster.

I decided to create my very own info pic using easelly. I found this program very easy to use and didn't encounter any Java script issues. What I liked most about easelly was that you can use already existing themes, which for a busy teacher would be very helpful. After all why re-invent the wheel. This program works on an easy drop and drag system which would be quite easy for student to use. I also like that all created info pics can be saved as a PDF which allows teachers to gather a collection of info pics to save for easy access at any time. I believe that this digital info pic program could be used by students and teachers alike to develop visual learning aides that get important messages across without sifting through endless text.

Week 0000 0110 ( Binary Code ) 

Wow once again I feel like a fish out of water. I have just got my head around design challenges and bam! Now I'm facing another 6 weeks of computer speak. I can honestly say I have never really come across Binary Code on any level in my schooling. Having attended high school from 2002-2006 these in depth computer skills were only covered in advanced ICT electives which I can say I had neither any interest in or skill at.

So I went into this week of Binary Code with very little experience or clue. I began by reading through the moodle site information, I can't say at first this was not any real help in fact in just made my brain swim with 0's and 1's. Then I came across the Binary Baubles lesson plan, this lesson plan was set out well and it enabled myself to really understand the purpose of why and how we as teachers, can teach Binary Code to students. There was some great ideas in this PDF and by reading through. I was able to successful write the numbers 1-10 in Binary correctly on my first go. I felt really proud of myself and had to admit I was actually enjoying myself and very keen to learn more.

Next I went in and played the Binary Game by Cisco. This was very fast paced but I found myself getting the answers right. This game would be great for older students in grades 5 and up. I only say this as it was very fast paced.

After connecting and experiencing ways of teaching and learning with Binary Code I can see why it will be beneficial to students. I understand now how Binary Code is used and why it is important for students to understand how and why it is used. According to the Australian Curriculum rationale for the technologies strands students need to learn to work with traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies  so they can understand the technologies that shape the world we live in (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2015). I can see links between students learning Binary Code and this idea from the rationale as it would help students better understand how technologies work and process information. This could lead to students assessing how we could use technologies to better process information and aide us in our everyday lives.

My Binary Code Game
After assessing the resources and videos on moodle, I have devised this game to teach students Binary Code. To start with pick 8 students to be the numbers (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1). These students stand at the front with their binary number written on a card. Individually the teacher picks students to come up and create the number written on the board by the teacher. To do this they must decide if their peers are switched on or off. To switch a number on the student gets their classmate to stand up. To switch off they sit the class mate down. The teacher and the rest of the class decide if they have the correct binary number to match the teachers number. So for example if a teacher writes 19 on the board, the coder would switch on the peer with the 16 card the 2 card and the 1 card. So the students would be sit, sit ,sit, stand, sit, sit, stand, stand. Representing 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 as the Binary Code for the numerical number 19. The teacher can switch up students to make sure all students get a turn at each part of the game.

From this week I have learnt to have more faith in myself when it comes to these types of skills. I actually found Binary Code interesting and at times fun. I will endeavor to teach this element of digital technology to my students so that hopefully they come away feeling the same sense of understanding and achievement that I have personally felt this week.


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (Ed 7.3), (2015). //Australia Curriculum,// Canberra, ACT: Author, retrieved from www.